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Blockchain as a Service:FAQs

最終更新日:Feb 08, 2023

Connecting to BaaS

  1. How can I use a new user after creating it?

    A: The organization administrator can use the “Add User” function to register a new user in the Fabric-CA server. After the user has been successfully created, you can perform the enrollment operation using fabric-ca-client or Fabric SDK.

Chaincode management

  1. Why can’t I install the uploaded chaincode file?

    A: You need to test the chaincode locally and package the chaincode and dependencies into a file, then upload the file through the script tool provided by the BaaS platform or through the peer chaincode package command of the Hyperledger Fabric.

Version support

  1. What is the version of Hyperledger Fabric currently supported by BaaS?

    A: BaaS currently supports Hyperledger Fabric 1.4.5. For more details of each version, please refer to the release notes.

  2. What is the upgrading strategy of Alibaba Cloud BaaS for the versions of Hyperledger Fabric?

    A: Ensuring the stability of the user’s business is our basic principle. If the new features of the new version of Hyperledger Fabric have common and significant value, Alibaba Cloud will choose from the first or later patch release under the major version. For example, if the major version is 1.4, and we will choose one of the patch releases from 1.4.1 or later to upgrade. However, in special case, if a majority of users request for a initial release of a major version, we will consider adopting it after careful evaluation and comprehensive testing.

    The version upgrade of Hyperledger Fabric by Alibaba Cloud BaaS will make newly created blockchain network adopt the new version by default. However for existing blockchain network with old version, it is up to user to choose a suitable time window to perform the upgrade. And the compatibility of related versions and data is consistent with that of Hyperledger Fabric.

    In addition, for consortium with organizations owned by different users or companies, it’s recommended that organizations choose a consistent version of Hyperledger Fabric.

Deployment model

  1. How does BaaS achieve high availability deployment for Hyperledger Fabric?

    A: BaaS implements high availability deployment of Hyperledger Fabric on the following layers:

    • On Container Service Kubernetes layer, the Kubernetes cluster consists of multiple master nodes and multiple worker nodes for high availability. Besides, Pod Anti-Affinity technique is also used to ensure the high availability clustering deployment of Hyperledger Fabric components on Kubernetes.

    • On Hyperledger Fabric layer, below configurations are used for high availability:

      • For each consortium, three orderers are deployed by default, with etcd-raft consensus algorithm.

      • For each peer organization, there are at least two peers are deployed by default, which can be customized.

      • For each organization, clustering deployment (with two nodes) for CA is supported, based on High-availability Editon of Alibaba Cloud RDS database (This CA clustering feature is only for Enterprise Edition and Enterprise Security Edition).

    • On application layer, BaaS provides workload balancing with healthcheck (based on Alibaba Cloud SLB) to ensure the high availability of application visiting backend services of Hyperledger Fabric. And BaaS also supports Service Discovery of Hyperledger Fabric, so that applications are able to dynamically connect to available blockchain nodes.

  2. Can BaaS support private cloud deployment?

    A: Yes, BaaS supports private cloud deployment, based on three types of platform as below:

    • Container Service in Apsara Stack Enterprise.

    • Apsara Stack Agility PaaS.

    • Container service platform built by users or other vendors based on native Kubernetes technology.

The UI of BaaS for private cloud is shown as below. If you have any requirement, please contact sales team of Alibaba Cloud.
