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最終更新日:Aug 11, 2023

Modifies the configuration of an IPsec-VPN connection.

Usage notes

  • If you want to modify a dual-tunnel IPsec-VPN connection, call the ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute operation, which also supports the following optional parameters:

    ClientToken, Name, LocalSubnet, RemoteSubnet, EffectImmediately, AutoConfigRoute, TunnelOptionsSpecification, and EnableTunnelsBgp.

  • If you want to modify a single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connection, you can call the ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute operation, which also supports the following optional parameters:

    ClientToken, Name, LocalSubnet, RemoteSubnet, EffectImmediately, IkeConfig, IpsecConfig, HealthCheckConfig, AutoConfigRoute, EnableDpd, EnableNatTraversal, BgpConfig, and RemoteCaCertificate.

  • ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute is an asynchronous operation. After a request is sent, the system returns a request ID and runs the task in the background. You can call the DescribeVpnGateway operation to query the status of a VPN gateway. The status of the VPN gateway indicates whether the IPsec-VPN connection is modified.

    • If the VPN gateway is in the updating state, the IPsec-VPN connection is being modified.
    • If the VPN gateway is in the active state, the IPsec-VPN connection is modified.
  • You cannot call the ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute operation again on the same VPN gateway to modify the configuration of an IPsec-VPN connection before the previous operation is complete.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters






Action String Yes ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute

The operation that you want to perform.

Set the value to ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute.

RegionId String Yes cn-shanghai

The region ID of the IPsec-VPN connection.

You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the IDs of available regions.

ClientToken String No 02fb3da4-130e-11e9-8e44-0016e04115b

The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request.

You can use the client to generate the token, but you must make sure that the token is unique among different requests. The token can contain only ASCII characters.


If you do not specify this parameter, the system automatically uses the request ID as the client token. The request ID may be different for each request.

VpnConnectionId String Yes vco-bp1bbi27hojx80nck****

The ID of the IPsec-VPN connection.

Name String No nametest

The name of the IPsec-VPN connection.

The name must be 1 to 100 characters in length, and cannot start with http:// or https://.

LocalSubnet String No,

The CIDR block on the virtual private cloud (VPC) side. The CIDR block is used in Phase 2 negotiations.

Separate CIDR blocks with commas (,). Example:,

The following routing modes are supported:

  • If you set LocalSubnet and RemoteSubnet to, the routing mode of the IPsec-VPN connection is set to Destination Routing Mode.
  • If you set LocalSubnet and RemoteSubnet to specific CIDR blocks, the routing mode of the IPsec-VPN connection is set to Protected Data Flows.
RemoteSubnet String No,

The CIDR block on the data center side. This CIDR block is used in Phase 2 negotiations.

Separate CIDR blocks with commas (,). Example:,

The following routing modes are supported:

  • If you set LocalSubnet and RemoteSubnet to, the routing mode of the IPsec-VPN connection is set to Destination Routing Mode.
  • If you set LocalSubnet and RemoteSubnet to specific CIDR blocks, the routing mode of the IPsec-VPN connection is set to Protected Data Flows.
EffectImmediately Boolean No false

Specifies whether to immediately start IPsec negotiations. Valid values:

  • true: immediately starts IPsec negotiations after the configuration takes effect.

  • false: starts IPsec negotiations when inbound traffic is detected.

IkeConfig String No {"Psk":"pgw6dy7d1i8i****","IkeVersion":"ikev1","IkeMode":"main","IkeEncAlg":"aes","IkeAuthAlg":"sha1","IkePfs":"group2","IkeLifetime":86400,"LocalId":"116.64.XX.XX","RemoteId":"139.18.XX.XX"}

This parameter is supported by single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

The configurations of Phase 1 negotiations:

  • IkeConfig.Psk: the pre-shared key that is used for authentication between the VPN gateway and the data center.

    • It must be 1 to 100 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, and the following characters: ~!`@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]|;:',.<>/?
    • If you do not specify a pre-shared key, the system generates a random 16-bit string as the pre-shared key. You can call the DescribeVpnConnection operation to query the pre-shared key that is generated by the system. > The IPsec-VPN connection and the data center must use the same pre-shared key. Otherwise, the data center fails to connect to the VPN gateway.
  • IkeConfig.IkeVersion: the version of the IKE protocol. Valid values: ikev1 and ikev2.

    Compared with IKEv1, IKEv2 simplifies the SA negotiation process and is more suitable for scenarios in which multiple CIDR blocks are used.

  • IkeConfig.IkeMode: the negotiation mode of IKE. Valid values: main and aggressive.

    • main: This mode offers higher security during negotiations.
    • aggressive: This mode is faster and has a higher success rate.

  • IkeConfig.IkeEncAlg: the encryption algorithm that is used in Phase 1 negotiations.

    Valid values: aes, aes192, aes256, aes256, and 3des.

  • IkeConfig.IkeAuthAlg: the authentication algorithm that is used in Phase 1 negotiations.

    Valid values: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, and sha512.

  • IkeConfig.IkePfs: the Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange algorithm that is used in Phase 1 negotiations. Valid values: group1, group2, group5, and group14.

  • IkeConfig.IkeLifetime: the security association (SA) lifetime that is determined by Phase 1 negotiations. Unit: seconds. Valid values: 0 to 86400.

  • IkeConfig.LocalId: the identifier of the VPN gateway. The identifier cannot exceed 100 characters in length. The default value is the IP address of the VPN gateway.

  • IkeConfig.RemoteId: the identifier of the customer gateway. The identifier cannot exceed 100 characters in length. The default value is the IP address of the customer gateway.

IpsecConfig String No {"IpsecEncAlg":"aes","IpsecAuthAlg":"sha1","IpsecPfs":"group2","IpsecLifetime":86400}

This parameter is supported by single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

The configurations of Phase 2 negotiations:

  • IpsecConfig.IpsecEncAlg: the encryption algorithm that is used in Phase 2 negotiations.

    Valid values: aes, aes192, aes256, des, and 3des.

  • IpsecConfig. IpsecAuthAlg: the authentication algorithm that is used in Phase 2 negotiations.

    Valid values: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, and sha512.

  • IpsecConfig. IpsecPfs: the DH key exchange algorithm that is used in Phase 1 negotiations. If you specify this parameter, packets of all protocols are forwarded. Valid values: disabled, group1, group2, group5, and group14.

  • IpsecConfig. IpsecLifetime: the SA lifetime that is determined by Phase 2 negotiations. Unit: seconds. Valid values: 0 to 86400.

HealthCheckConfig String No {"enable":"true","dip":"","sip":"","interval":"3","retry":"3"}

This parameter is supported by single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

The health check configuration:

  • HealthCheckConfig.enable: specifies whether to enable health checks. Valid values: true and false.

  • HealthCheckConfig.dip: the destination IP address that is used for health checks.

  • HealthCheckConfig.sip: the source IP address that is used for health checks.

  • HealthCheckConfig.interval: the interval between two consecutive health checks. Unit: seconds.

  • HealthCheckConfig.retry: the maximum number of health check retries.

AutoConfigRoute Boolean No true

Specifies whether to automatically advertise routes. Valid values:

  • true: yes

  • false: no

EnableDpd Boolean No true

This parameter is supported by single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

Specifies whether to enable the dead peer detection (DPD) feature. Valid values:

  • true: enables the DPD feature. The initiator of the IPsec-VPN connection sends DPD packets to verify the existence and availability of the peer. If no feedback is received from the peer within a specified period of time, the connection fails. ISAKMP SA and IPsec SA are deleted. The security tunnel is also deleted.

  • false: disables DPD. The IPsec initiator does not send DPD packets.

EnableNatTraversal Boolean No true

This parameter is supported by single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

Indicates whether NAT traversal is enabled. Valid values:

  • true: yes After NAT traversal is enabled, the initiator does not check the UDP ports during IKE negotiations and can automatically discover NAT gateway devices along the IPsec tunnel.

  • false: disables NAT traversal.

BgpConfig String No {"EnableBgp":"true","LocalAsn":"65530","TunnelCidr":"","LocalBgpIp":""}

This parameter is supported by single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration:

  • BgpConfig.EnableBgp: specifies whether to enable BGP. Valid values: true and false.

  • BgpConfig.LocalAsn: the autonomous system number (ASN) on the Alibaba Cloud side. Valid values: 1 to 4294967295.

  • BgpConfig.TunnelCidr: the CIDR block of the IPsec tunnel. The CIDR block must fall within The subnet mask of the CIDR block must be 30 bits in length.


    The tunnel CIDR block of each IPsec-VPN connection on a VPN gateway must be unique.

  • LocalBgpIp: the BGP IP address on the Alibaba Cloud side. This IP address must fall within the CIDR block of the IPsec tunnel.

  • This parameter is required when the VPN gateway has dynamic BGP enabled.
  • Before you configure BGP, we recommend that you learn about how BGP works and its limits. For more information, see BGP dynamic routing supported by VPN gateways.
  • We recommend that you use a private ASN to establish a connection with Alibaba Cloud over BGP. Refer to the relevant documentation for the private ASN range.

RemoteCaCertificate String No -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIB7zCCAZW**** -----END CERTIFICATE-----

This parameter is supported by single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

If the VPN gateway uses a ShangMi (SM) certificate, you can modify the CA certificate used by the IPsec peer.

If the VPN gateway does not use an SM certificate, this parameter is not supported.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelId String No tun-opsqc4d97wni27****

TunnelOptionsSpecification parameters are supported by dual-tunnel IPsec-VPN gateways. You can modify both the active and standby tunnels of the IPsec-VPN connection.

The tunnel ID.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.EnableDpd Boolean No true

Specifies whether to enable DPD for the tunnel. Valid values:

  • true: enables the DPD feature. The initiator of the IPsec-VPN connection sends DPD packets to verify the existence and availability of the peer. If no feedback is received from the peer within a specified period of time, the connection fails. ISAKMP SA and IPsec SA are deleted. The security tunnel is also deleted.

  • false: disables DPD. The IPsec initiator does not send DPD packets.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.EnableNatTraversal Boolean No true

Specifies whether to enable NAT traversal for the tunnel. Valid values:

  • true: yes After NAT traversal is enabled, the initiator does not check the UDP ports during IKE negotiations and can automatically discover NAT gateway devices along the IPsec tunnel.

  • false: disables NAT traversal.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.RemoteCaCertificate String No -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIB7zCCAZW**** -----END CERTIFICATE-----

If the VPN gateway uses an SM certificate, you can modify the CA certificate used by the IPsec peer.

If the VPN gateway does not use an SM certificate, this parameter is not supported.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelBgpConfig.LocalAsn Long No 65530

The local ASN (Alibaba Cloud side). Valid values: 1 to 4294967295. Default value: 45104.


  • You can set or modify this parameter if BGP is enabled for the IPsec-VPN connection (EnableTunnelsBgp is set to true).
  • Before you configure BGP, we recommend that you learn about how BGP works and its limits. For more information, see VPN Gateway supports BGP dynamic routing.
  • We recommend that you use a private ASN to establish a connection with Alibaba Cloud over BGP. Refer to the relevant documentation for the private ASN range.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelBgpConfig.LocalBgpIp String No

The local BGP address (Alibaba Cloud side). The BGP address is an IP address that falls into the BGP CIDR block.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelBgpConfig.TunnelCidr String No

The BGP CIDR block. The CIDR block must fall within The subnet mask of the CIDR block must be 30 bits in length.


The BGP CIDR block of each tunnel on a VPN gateway must be unique.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIkeConfig.IkeAuthAlg String No md5

The authentication algorithm that is used in Phase 1 negotiations.

Valid values: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, and sha512.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIkeConfig.IkeEncAlg String No aes

The encryption algorithm that is used in Phase 1 negotiations.

Valid values: aes, aes192, aes256, des, and 3des.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIkeConfig.IkeLifetime Long No 86400

The SA lifetime that is determined by Phase 1 negotiations. Unit: seconds. Valid values: 0 to 86400.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIkeConfig.IkeMode String No main

The IKE negotiation mode. Valid values:

  • main: This mode offers higher security during negotiations.
  • aggressive: This mode is faster and has a higher success rate.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIkeConfig.IkePfs String No group2

The DH key exchange algorithm that is used in Phase 1 negotiations. Valid values: group1, group2, group5, and group14.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIkeConfig.IkeVersion String No ikev1

The version of the IKE protocol. Valid values: ikev1 and ikev2.

Compared with IKEv1, IKEv2 simplifies the SA negotiation process and is more suitable for scenarios in which multiple CIDR blocks are used.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIkeConfig.LocalId String No 47.21.XX.XX

The local identifier (Alibaba Cloud side) used for Phase 1 negotiation. The identifier cannot exceed 100 characters in length. The default identifier is the tunnel IP address.

You can set LocalId to a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). In this case, we recommend that you set Negotiation Mode to aggressive.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIkeConfig.Psk String No 123456****

The pre-shared key that is used for authentication between the tunnel and peer.

  • It must be 1 to 100 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, and the following characters: ~!\`@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]|;:',.<>/?
  • If you do not specify a pre-shared key, the system generates a random 16-bit string as the pre-shared key. You can call the DescribeVpnConnection operation to query the pre-shared key that is generated by the system.

Make sure that the tunnels and peers use the same pre-shared key. Otherwise, tunnel communication cannot be established.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIkeConfig.RemoteId String No 47.42.XX.XX

The peer identifier used for Phase 1 negotiation. The identifier cannot exceed 100 characters in length. The default identifier is the IP address of the customer gateway.

You can set RemoteId to an FQDN. In this case, we recommend that you set Negotiation Mode to aggressive.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIpsecConfig.IpsecAuthAlg String No md5

The authentication algorithm that was used in Phase 2 negotiations.

Valid values: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, and sha512.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIpsecConfig.IpsecEncAlg String No aes

The encryption algorithm that is used in Phase 2 negotiations.

Valid values: aes, aes192, aes256, des, and 3des.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIpsecConfig.IpsecLifetime Integer No 86400

The SA lifetime that is determined by Phase 2 negotiations. Unit: seconds. Valid values: 0 to 86400.

TunnelOptionsSpecification.N.TunnelIpsecConfig.IpsecPfs String No group2

The DH key exchange algorithm that is used in Phase 2 negotiations.

Valid values: disabled, group1, group2, group5, and group14.

EnableTunnelsBgp Boolean No true

This parameter is supported by dual-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

Specifies whether to enable BGP for the tunnel. Valid values: true and false.

Response parameters





EnableNatTraversal Boolean true

Indicates whether NAT traversal is enabled for the IPsec-VPN connection. Valid values:

  • false

  • true

This parameter is returned only for single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

CreateTime Long 1492753817000

The timestamp generated when the IPsec-VPN connection was established. Unit: milliseconds.

This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.

EffectImmediately Boolean false

Indicates whether IPsec negotiations immediately start after the configuration takes effect. Valid values:

  • true: IPsec negotiations immediately start after the configuration takes effect.

  • false: IPsec negotiations start when inbound traffic is detected.

VpnGatewayId String vpn-bp1q8bgx4xnkm2ogj****

The ID of the VPN gateway.

LocalSubnet String,

The CIDR block on the VPC side.

RequestId String 7DB79D0C-5F27-4AB5-995B-79BE55102F90

The request ID.

VpnConnectionId String vco-bp1bbi27hojx80nck****

The ID of the IPsec-VPN connection.

Description String description

The description of the IPsec-VPN connection.

RemoteSubnet String,

The CIDR block on the data center side.

CustomerGatewayId String cgw-p0w2jemrcj5u61un8****

The ID of the customer gateway that is associated with the IPsec-VPN connection.

This parameter is returned only for single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

Name String nametest

The name of the IPsec-VPN connection.

EnableDpd Boolean true

Indicates whether dead peer detection (DPD) is enabled for the IPsec-VPN connection. Valid values:

  • false

  • true

This parameter is returned only for single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

IkeConfig Object

The configuration of Phase 1 negotiations.

IkeConfig parameters are returned only for single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

RemoteId String 139.18.XX.XX

The identifier on the data center side. The default value is the IP address of the customer gateway. The value can be a FQDN or an IP address.

IkeLifetime Long 86400

The lifetime in the IKE phase. Unit: seconds.

IkeEncAlg String aes

The encryption algorithm in the IKE phase.

LocalId String 116.64.XX.XX

The identifier on the VPC side. The default value is the IP address of the VPN gateway. The value can be an FQDN or an IP address.

IkeMode String main

The IKE negotiation mode.

  • main: This mode offers higher security during negotiations.
  • aggressive: This mode is faster and has a higher success rate.
IkeVersion String ikev1

The version of the IKE protocol.

  • ikev1
  • ikev2

Compared with IKEv1, IKEv2 simplifies the SA negotiation process and is more suitable for scenarios in which multiple CIDR blocks are used.

IkePfs String group2

The DH group in the IKE phase.

Psk String pgw6dy7d1i8i****

The pre-shared key.

IkeAuthAlg String sha1

The algorithm in the IKE phase.

IpsecConfig Object

The configuration of Phase 2 negotiations.

IpsecConfig parameters are returned only for single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

IpsecAuthAlg String sha1

The authentication algorithm in the IPsec phase.

IpsecLifetime Long 86400

The lifetime in the IPsec phase. Unit: seconds.

IpsecEncAlg String aes

The encryption algorithm in the IPsec phase.

IpsecPfs String group2

The DH group in the IPsec phase.

VcoHealthCheck Object

The health check configurations.

VcoHealthCheck parameters are returned only for single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

Dip String

The destination IP address.

Interval Integer 3

The interval between two consecutive health checks. Unit: seconds.

Retry Integer 3

The maximum number of health check retries.

Sip String

The source IP address for health checks.

Enable String true

Indicates whether the health check feature is enabled for the IPsec-VPN connection.

  • true

  • false

VpnBgpConfig Object

The BGP configuration.

VpnBgpConfig parameters are returned only for single-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

Status String success

The negotiation status of BGP. Valid values:

  • success

  • false

PeerBgpIp String

The BGP IP address of the data center.

TunnelCidr String

The BGP CIDR block of the IPsec-VPN connection.

EnableBgp String true

Indicates whether BGP is enabled.

  • true

  • false

LocalBgpIp String

The BGP IP address of Alibaba Cloud.

PeerAsn Integer 65531

The ASN on the data center side.

LocalAsn Integer 65530

The ASN of Alibaba Cloud.

TunnelOptionsSpecification Array of TunnelOptions

The tunnel configurations of the IPsec-VPN connection.

TunnelOptionsSpecification parameters are returned only for dual-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.

CustomerGatewayId String cgw-p0wy363lucf1uyae8****

The ID of the customer gateway that is associated with the tunnel.

EnableDpd Boolean true

Indicates whether DPD is enabled for the tunnel. Valid values:

  • false
  • true
EnableNatTraversal Boolean true

Indicates whether NAT traversal is enabled for the tunnel. Valid values:

  • false
  • true
InternetIp String 47.21.XX.XX

The IP address on the Alibaba Cloud side.

RemoteCaCertificate String -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIB7zCCAZW**** -----END CERTIFICATE-----

The CA certificate used by the IPsec peer.

This parameter is returned only by VPN gateways that use SM certificates.

Role String master

The tunnel role. Valid values:

  • master
  • slave
State String active

The tunnel status. Valid values:

  • active
  • updating
  • deleting
TunnelBgpConfig Object

The BGP configurations.

LocalAsn Long 65530

The local ASN (Alibaba Cloud side).

LocalBgpIp String

The local BGP address (Alibaba Cloud side).

PeerAsn Long 65531

The peer ASN.

PeerBgpIp String

The peer BGP address.

TunnelCidr String

The BGP CIDR block of the tunnel.

TunnelId String tun-opsqc4d97wni27****

The tunnel ID.

TunnelIkeConfig Object

The configuration of Phase 1 negotiations.

IkeAuthAlg String sha1

The algorithm in the IKE phase.

IkeEncAlg String aes

The encryption algorithm in the IKE phase.

IkeLifetime Long 86400

The lifetime in the IKE phase. Unit: seconds.

IkeMode String main

The IKE negotiation mode.

  • main: This mode offers higher security during negotiations.
  • aggressive: This mode is faster and has a higher success rate.
IkePfs String group2

The DH group in the IKE phase.

IkeVersion String ikev1

The version of the IKE protocol.

LocalId String 47.21.XX.XX

The local identifier (Alibaba Cloud side).

Psk String 123456****

The pre-shared key.

RemoteId String 47.42.XX.XX

The peer identifier.

TunnelIpsecConfig Object

The configuration of Phase 2 negotiations.

IpsecAuthAlg String sha1

The authentication algorithm in the IPsec phase.

IpsecEncAlg String aes

The encryption algorithm in the IPsec phase.

IpsecLifetime Long 86400

The lifetime in the IPsec phase. Unit: seconds.

IpsecPfs String group2

The DH group in the IPsec phase.

ZoneNo String ap-southeast-5a

The zone of the tunnel.

EnableTunnelsBgp Boolean true

Indicates whether BGP is enabled for the tunnel. Valid values:

  • true
  • false

This parameter is returned only by dual-tunnel IPsec-VPN connections.


Sample requests

&RegionId= cn-shanghai
&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "EnableNatTraversal" : true,
  "CreateTime" : 1492753817000,
  "EffectImmediately" : false,
  "VpnGatewayId" : "vpn-bp1q8bgx4xnkm2ogj****",
  "LocalSubnet" : ",",
  "RequestId" : "7DB79D0C-5F27-4AB5-995B-79BE55102F90",
  "VpnConnectionId" : "vco-bp1bbi27hojx80nck****",
  "Description" : "description",
  "RemoteSubnet" : ",",
  "CustomerGatewayId" : "cgw-p0w2jemrcj5u61un8****",
  "Name" : "nametest",
  "EnableDpd" : true,
  "IkeConfig" : {
    "RemoteId" : "139.18.XX.XX",
    "IkeLifetime" : 86400,
    "IkeEncAlg" : "aes",
    "LocalId" : "116.64.XX.XX",
    "IkeMode" : "main",
    "IkeVersion" : "ikev1",
    "IkePfs" : "group2",
    "Psk" : "pgw6dy7d1i8i****",
    "IkeAuthAlg" : "sha1"
  "IpsecConfig" : {
    "IpsecAuthAlg" : "sha1",
    "IpsecLifetime" : 86400,
    "IpsecEncAlg" : "aes",
    "IpsecPfs" : "group2"
  "VcoHealthCheck" : {
    "Dip" : "",
    "Interval" : 3,
    "Retry" : 3,
    "Sip" : "",
    "Enable" : "true"
  "VpnBgpConfig" : {
    "Status" : "success",
    "PeerBgpIp" : "",
    "TunnelCidr" : "",
    "EnableBgp" : "true",
    "LocalBgpIp" : "",
    "PeerAsn" : 65531,
    "LocalAsn" : 65530

Error codes


Error code

Error message


400 VpnGateway.Configuring The specified service is configuring. The operation is not allowed when the specified service is being configured. Try again later.
400 VpnGateway.FinancialLocked The specified service is financial locked. The service is suspended due to overdue payments. Top up your account first.
400 InvalidName The name is not valid The format of the name is invalid.
400 VpnRouteEntry.AlreadyExists The specified route entry is already exist. The route already exists.
400 VpnRouteEntry.Conflict The specified route entry has conflict. The specified route conflicts with an existing route.
400 NotSupportVpnConnectionParameter.IpsecPfs The specified vpn connection ipsec Ipsec Pfs is not support. The PFS parameter set for the IPsec-VPN connection is not supported.
400 NotSupportVpnConnectionParameter.IpsecAuthAlg The specified vpn connection ipsec Auth Alg is not support. The specified authentication algorithm in the IPsec connection is not supported.
400 VpnRouteEntry.ConflictSSL The specified route entry has conflict with SSL client. The route conflicts with the SSL client.
400 VpnRouteEntry.BackupRoute Validate backup route entry failed. Active/standby routes failed authentication.
400 VpnRouteEntry.InvalidWeight Invalid route entry weight value. The specified weight of the route is invalid.
400 QuotaExceeded.PBR The policy-based routes has reached the upper limit. The number of policy-based routes has reached the upper limit.
400 OperationUnsupported.SetDPD Current version of the VPN does not support setting DPD. The current version of the VPN gateway does not support DPD.
400 OperationUnsupported.SetNatTraversal Current version of the VPN does not support setting NAT traversal. The current version of the VPN gateway does not support NAT traversal.
400 QuotaExceeded.PolicyBasedRoute The maximum number of policy-based routes is exceeded. Existing routes: %s. Routes to be created: %s. Maximum routes: %s. The number of policy-based routes reaches the upper limit. The maximum number of routes that you can create is %s. The number of existing routes is %s. You are creating %s routes.
400 MissingParameter.TunnelCidr The parameter TunnelCidr is mandatory when BGP is enabled. You must specify the tunnel CIDR block when you enable BGP.
400 OperationUnsupported.EnableBgp Current version of the VPN does not support enable BGP. The current version of the VPN gateway does not support BGP.
400 MissingParam.CustomerGatewayAsn Asn of customer gateway is mandatory when BGP is enabled. The ASN of the customer gateway cannot be empty when you enable BGP.
400 IllegalParam.LocalAsn The specified LocalAsn is invalid. The local ASN is invalid.
400 IllegalParam.BgpConfig The specified BgpConfig is invalid. The BGP configuration is invalid.
400 IllegalParam.EnableBgp VPN connection must enable BGP when VPN gateway has enabled BGP. The IPsec-VPN connection must use BGP if BGP is enabled for the VPN gateway.
400 IllegalParam.TunnelCidr The specified TunnelCidr is invalid. TunnelCidr is set to an invalid value.
400 InvalidLocalBgpIp.Malformed The specified LocalBgpIp is malformed. The local BGP IP address is in an abnormal state.
400 IllegalParam.LocalBgpIp The specified LocalBgpIp is invalid. The local BGP IP address is invalid.
400 IllegalParam.LocalSubnet The specified "LocalSubnet" (%s) is invalid. LocalSubnet (%s) is set to an invalid value.
400 IllegalParam.RemoteSubnet The specified "RemoteSubnet" (%s) is invalid. RemoteSubnet is set to an invalid value.
400 OperationFailed.CenLevelNotSupport When the VPC to which the VPN gateway belongs is attached to a FULL-mode CEN, the VPN gateway cannot enable BGP. You cannot enable BGP for the VPN gateway when the FULL mode is enabled for the Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance to which the VPC of the VPN gateway is attached.
400 InvalidTunnelCidr.Malformed The specified TunnelCidr is malformed. The specified tunnel CIDR block is invalid.
400 CustomerGateway.ConflictRouteEntry The specified customer gateway has conflict with route entry. The customer gateway conflicts with the current routes.
400 VpnTask.CONFLICT Vpn task has conflict. The VPN operation is conflicting. Try again later.
403 Forbbiden.SubUser User not authorized to operate on the specified resource as your account is created by another user. You are unauthorized to perform this operation on the specified resource. You can apply for the required permissions and try again.
403 Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource. You are unauthorized to perform this operation on the specified resource. You can apply for the required permissions and try again.
404 InvalidVpnConnectionInstanceId.NotFound The specified vpn connection instance id does not exist. The specified IPsec connection does not exist. Check whether the ID of the IPsec connection is valid.
500 OperationFailed.RouteConflictWithIPsecServer Operation failed because the specified route conflicts with IPsec server. The route conflicts with the IPsec server.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.