This topic describes client errors.

HTTP status code Error code Error message Description
400 MissingParameter The input parameter <parameter name> that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied The error message returned because one or more required parameters are not specified.
400 InvalidParameter The specified value of parameter <parameter name> is not valid. The error message returned because the value that you specified for a parameter is invalid.
400 UnsupportedOperation The specified action is not supported. The error message returned because the specified API operation is invalid.
400 NoSuchVersion The specified version does not exist. The error message returned because the specified version is invalid.
400 Throttling Request was denied due to request throttling. The error message returned because the specified operation is denied by the system due to throttling.
400 InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound The Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records. The error message returned because the specified AccessKey pair is invalid.
403 Forbidden Users are not authorized to operate on the specified resource. The error message returned because you are not authorized to perform the specified operation.
403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system. The error message returned because the specified operation is forbidden by the risk control system.
403 SignatureDoesNotMatch The signature we calculated does not match the one you provided. The error message returned because the specified signature is invalid.
403 Forbidden.Unsubscribed Do not have permission to access this API. The error message returned because Auto Scaling is not activated, and you are not authorized to call the Auto Scaling API.
403 Forbidden.UserVerification Your user account is not verified by Aliyun. The error message returned because real-name verification is not complete.
400 ResourceNotAvailable Resource you requested is not available in this region or zone. The error message returned because Auto Scaling is unavailable in the specified region.