When you write code to parse the custom data of a product, the code must contain a script that parses custom topic data and a script that parses Thing Specification Language (TSL) data. This topic provides the complete sample script in Python.

# coding=UTF-8
import struct
import common_util

COMMAND_REPORT = 0x00 # Submit properties. 
COMMAND_SET = 0x01 # Configure properties. 
COMMAND_REPORT_REPLY = 0x02 # Return results of data submission. 
COMMAND_SET_REPLY = 0x03 # Return results of property setting. 
COMMAD_UNKOWN = 0xff # Unknown commands. 
ALINK_PROP_REPORT_METHOD = 'thing.event.property.post' # The topic for devices to submit property data to IoT Platform. 
ALINK_PROP_SET_METHOD = 'thing.service.property.set' # The topic for IoT Platform to send a property setting command to devices. 
SELF_DEFINE_TOPIC_UPDATE_FLAG = '/user/update' # Define the following custom topic: /user/update. 
SELF_DEFINE_TOPIC_ERROR_FLAG = '/user/update/error' # Define the following custom topic: /user/update/error. 

# Sample data:
# Submit property data
# Input:
#    0x000000000100320100000000
# Output:
#    {"method":"thing.event.property.post","id":"1","params":{"prop_float":0,"prop_int16":50,"prop_bool":1},"version":"1.0"}
# Returned result of property setting
# Input:
#    0x0300223344c8
# Output:
#    {"code":"200","data":{},"id":"2241348","version":"1.0"}

def raw_data_to_protocol(bytes):
    uint8Array = []
    for byteValue in bytes:
        uint8Array.append(byteValue & 0xff)

    fHead = uint8Array[0]
    jsonMap = {}
    if fHead == COMMAND_REPORT:
        jsonMap['method'] = ALINK_PROP_REPORT_METHOD
        jsonMap['version'] = '1.0'
        jsonMap['id'] = str(bytes_to_int(uint8Array[1:5]))
        params = {}
        params['prop_int16'] = bytes_to_int(uint8Array[5:7])
        params['prop_bool'] = bytes_to_int(uint8Array[7: 8])
        params['prop_float'] = bytes_to_int(uint8Array[8:])
        jsonMap['params'] = params
    elif fHead == COMMAND_SET_REPLY:
        jsonMap['version'] = '1.0'
        jsonMap['id'] = str(bytes_to_int(uint8Array[1:5]))
        jsonMap['code'] = str(bytes_to_int(uint8Array[5:]))
        jsonMap['data'] = {}

    return jsonMap

# Sample data:
# Sends downstream commands to configure device properties
# Input:
#    {"method":"thing.service.property.set","id":"12345","version":"1.0",
#    "params":{"prop_float":123.452, "prop_int16":333, "prop_bool":1}}
# Output:
#    0x0100003039014d0142f6e76d
# Returned result after the device submits data
# Input:
#    {"method":"thing.event.property.post","id":"12345","version":"1.0","code":200,"data":{}}
# Output:
#    0x0200003039c8
def protocol_to_raw_data(json):
    method = json.get('method', None)
    id = json.get('id', None)
    version = json.get('version', None)
    payload_array = []

    if method == ALINK_PROP_SET_METHOD:
        params = json.get('params')
        prop_float = params.get('prop_float', None)
        prop_int16 = params.get('prop_int16', None)
        prop_bool = params.get('prop_bool', None)

        payload_array = payload_array + int_8_to_byte(COMMAND_SET)
        payload_array = payload_array + int_32_to_byte(int(id))
        payload_array = payload_array + int_16_to_byte(prop_int16)
        payload_array = payload_array + int_8_to_byte(prop_bool)
        payload_array = payload_array + float_to_byte(prop_float)

    elif method == ALINK_PROP_REPORT_METHOD:
        code = json.get('code', None)
        payload_array = payload_array + int_8_to_byte(COMMAND_REPORT_REPLY)
        payload_array = payload_array + int_32_to_byte(int(id))
        payload_array = payload_array + int_8_to_byte(code)
        code = json.get('code')
        payload_array = payload_array + int_8_to_byte(COMMAD_UNKOWN)
        payload_array = payload_array + int_32_to_byte(int(id))
        payload_array = payload_array + int_8_to_byte(code)

    return payload_array

# Sample data:
# Use the following custom topic to submit data:
# /user/update. 
# Input:
#      topic:/{productKey}/{deviceName}/user/update
#      bytes: 0x000000000100320100000000
# Output:
#  {
#     "prop_float": 0,
#     "prop_int16": 50,
#     "prop_bool": 1,
#     "topic": "/{productKey}/{deviceName}/user/update"
#   }
def transform_payload(topic, bytes):
    uint8Array = []
    for byteValue in bytes:
        uint8Array.append(byteValue & 0xff)

    jsonMap = {}
        jsonMap['topic'] = topic
        jsonMap['errorCode'] = bytes_to_int(uint8Array[0:1])

        jsonMap['topic'] = topic
        jsonMap['prop_int16'] = bytes_to_int(uint8Array[5:7])
        jsonMap['prop_bool'] = bytes_to_int(uint8Array[7: 8])
        jsonMap['prop_float'] = bytes_to_int(uint8Array[8:])

    return jsonMap

# Convert a byte array to an integer. 
def bytes_to_int(bytes):
    data = ['%02X' % i for i in bytes]
    return int(''.join(data), 16)

# Convert an 8-bit integer to a byte array. 
def int_8_to_byte(value):
    t_value = '%02X' % value
    if len(t_value) % 2 != 0:
        t_value += '0'

    return hex_string_to_byte_array(t_value)

# Convert a 32-bit integer to a byte array. 
def int_32_to_byte(value):
    t_value = '%08X' % value
    if len(t_value) % 2 != 0:
        t_value += '0'

    return hex_string_to_byte_array(t_value)

# Convert a 16-bit integer to a byte array. 
def int_16_to_byte(value):
    t_value = '%04X' % value
    if len(t_value) % 2 != 0:
        t_value += '0'

    return hex_string_to_byte_array(t_value)

# Convert a float to an integer array. 
def float_to_byte(param):
    return hex_string_to_byte_array(struct.pack(">f", param).encode('hex'))

# Convert a hexadecimal string to a byte array. 
def hex_string_to_byte_array(str_value):
    if len(str_value) % 2 != 0:
        return None

    cycle = len(str_value) / 2

    pos = 0
    result = []
    for i in range(0, cycle, 1):
        temp_str_value = str_value[pos:pos + 2]
        temp_int_value = int(temp_str_value, base=16)

        pos += 2
    return result