2 つの頂点間に道がある場合、2 つの頂点が連結されていることを意味します。 無向グラフ G 内の任意の 2 つの頂点が連結されている場合、 G は連結グラフと呼ばれます。 そうでない場合、G は非連結グラフと呼ばれます。 多数の頂点を有する連結サブグラフは連結成分と呼ばれます。

このアルゴリズムは、各頂点の連結成分メンバーを計算し、最小の頂点 ID を含む頂点値の連結成分を出力します。 最小の頂点 ID は、辺に沿って連結成分の全ての頂点に送信されます。


import java.io.IOException;
import com.aliyun.odps.data.TableInfo;
import com.aliyun.odps.graph.ComputeContext;
import com.aliyun.odps.graph.GraphJob;
import com.aliyun.odps.graph.GraphLoader;
import com.aliyun.odps.graph.MutationContext;
import com.aliyun.odps.graph.Vertex;
import com.aliyun.odps.graph.WorkerContext;
import com.aliyun.odps.graph.examples.SSSP.MinLongCombiner;
import com.aliyun.odps.io.LongWritable;
import com.aliyun.odps.io.NullWritable;
import com.aliyun.odps.io.WritableRecord;

 * Compute the connected component membership of each vertex and output
 * each vertex which's value containing the smallest id in the connected
 * component containing that vertex.
 * Algorithm: propagate the smallest vertex id along the edges to all
 * vertices of a connected component.
public class ConnectedComponents {
  public static class CCVertex extends
  Vertex<LongWritable, LongWritable, NullWritable, LongWritable> {
    public void compute(
    ComputeContext<LongWritable, LongWritable, NullWritable, LongWritable> context,
    Iterable<LongWritable> msgs) throws IOException {
      if (context.getSuperstep() == 0L) {
        context.sendMessageToNeighbors(this, getValue());
      long minID = Long.MAX_VALUE;
      for (LongWritable id : msgs) {
      if (id.get() < minID) {
          minID = id.get();
      if (minID < this.getValue().get()) {
        this.setValue(new LongWritable(minID));
        context.sendMessageToNeighbors(this, getValue());
      } else {
     * Output Table Description:
     * | Field | Type | Comment |
     * | v | bigint | vertex id |
     * | minID | bigint | smallest id in the connected component |
    public void cleanup(
    WorkerContext<LongWritable, LongWritable, NullWritable, LongWritable> context)
        throws IOException {
      context.write(getId(), getValue());
   * Input Table Description:
   * | Field | Type | Comment |
   * | v | bigint | vertex id |
   * | es | string | comma separated target vertex id of outgoing edges |
   * Example:
   * For graph:
   * 1 ----- 2
   * 3 ----- 4
   * Input table:
   * | v | es |
   * | 1 | 2,3 |
   * | 2 | 1,4 |
   * | 3 | 1,4 |
   * | 4 | 2,3 |
  public static class CCVertexReader extends
  GraphLoader<LongWritable, LongWritable, NullWritable, LongWritable> {
    public void load(
        LongWritable recordNum,
        WritableRecord record,
        MutationContext<LongWritable, LongWritable, NullWritable, LongWritable> context)
    throws IOException {
      CCVertex vertex = new CCVertex();
      vertex.setId((LongWritable) record.get(0));
      String[] edges = record.get(1).toString().split(",");
      for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
        long destID = Long.parseLong(edges[i]);
        vertex.addEdge(new LongWritable(destID), NullWritable.get());
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  if (args.length < 2) {
  System.out.println("Usage: <input> <output>");
    GraphJob job = new GraphJob();
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("Job Finished in "
        + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0 + " seconds");