Queries the services for which one-click alert is enabled.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeProductsOfActiveMetricRule

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeProductsOfActiveMetricRule.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
AllProductInitMetricRuleList Array of AllProductInitMetricRule N/A

The information about the services for which one-click alert is enabled.

AllProductInitMetricRule N/A N/A N/A
AlertInitConfigList Array of AlertInitConfig N/A

The initial alert rules that are generated after one-click alert is enabled for a service.

AlertInitConfig N/A N/A N/A
EvaluationCount String 3

The consecutive number of times for which the metric value is measured before an alert is triggered.

MetricName String cpu_total

The name of the metric. For more information, see Appendix 1: Metrics.

Namespace String acs_rds_dashboard

The namespace of the service. For more information, see Appendix 1: Metrics.

Period String 1m

The aggregation period of the monitoring data. Unit: minutes. For more information, see Appendix 1: Metrics.

Statistics String Average

The statistical aggregation method that is used to calculate metric values that trigger alerts. For more information, see Appendix 1: Metrics.

Threshold String 90

The threshold of the metric value.

Product String ecs

The abbreviation of the service name.

Code Integer 200

The HTTP status code.

Note The status code 200 indicates that the call was successful.
Datapoints String ecs,rds

The information about the services for which one-click alert is enabled. Services are separated with commas (,). Valid values:

  • ecs: Elastic Compute Service (ECS)
  • rds: ApsaraDB for RDS
  • slb: Server Load Balancer (SLB)
  • redis_standard: ApsaraDB for Redis of the standard architecture
  • redis_sharding: ApsaraDB for Redis of the cluster architecture
  • redis_splitrw: ApsaraDB for Redis of the read/write splitting architecture
  • mongodb: ApsaraDB for MongoDB of the replica set architecture
  • mongodb_sharding: ApsaraDB for MongoDB of the sharded cluster architecture
  • hbase: ApsaraDB for HBase
  • elasticsearch: Elasticsearch
  • opensearch: Open Search
Message String The Request is not authorization.

The returned message.

RequestId String F82E6667-7811-4BA0-842F-5B2DC42BBAAD

The ID of the request.

Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the call was successful. Valid values:

  • true: The call was successful.
  • false: The call failed.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format


JSON format

    "RequestId": "A4FFAEFF-4225-4EF6-8F63-FAAA8F58289D",
    "AllProductInitMetricRuleList": {
        "AllProductInitMetricRule": [
                "AlertInitConfigList": {
                    "AlertInitConfig": [
                            "MetricName": "CPUUtilization",
                            "EvaluationCount": "5",
                            "Period": "1m",
                            "Statistics": "Average",
                            "Namespace": "acs_ecs_dashboard",
                            "Threshold": "95"
                            "MetricName": "vm.DiskUtilization",
                            "EvaluationCount": "5",
                            "Period": "1m",
                            "Statistics": "Average",
                            "Namespace": "acs_ecs_dashboard",
                            "Threshold": "95"
                            "MetricName": "vm.MemoryUtilization",
                            "EvaluationCount": "5",
                            "Period": "1m",
                            "Statistics": "Average",
                            "Namespace": "acs_ecs_dashboard",
                            "Threshold": "95"
                            "MetricName": "InternetOutRate_Percent",
                            "EvaluationCount": "5",
                            "Period": "1m",
                            "Statistics": "Average",
                            "Namespace": "acs_ecs_dashboard",
                            "Threshold": "95"
                "Product": "ecs"
                "AlertInitConfigList": {
                    "AlertInitConfig": [
                            "MetricName": "CpuUsage",
                            "EvaluationCount": "5",
                            "Period": "5m",
                            "Statistics": "Average",
                            "Namespace": "acs_rds_dashboard",
                            "Threshold": "80"
                            "MetricName": "DiskUsage",
                            "EvaluationCount": "5",
                            "Period": "5m",
                            "Statistics": "Average",
                            "Namespace": "acs_rds_dashboard",
                            "Threshold": "80"
                            "MetricName": "IOPSUsage",
                            "EvaluationCount": "5",
                            "Period": "5m",
                            "Statistics": "Average",
                            "Namespace": "acs_rds_dashboard",
                            "Threshold": "80"
                            "MetricName": "ConnectionUsage",
                            "EvaluationCount": "5",
                            "Period": "5m",
                            "Statistics": "Average",
                            "Namespace": "acs_rds_dashboard",
                            "Threshold": "80"
                            "MetricName": "DataDelay",
                            "EvaluationCount": "5",
                            "Period": "5m",
                            "Statistics": "Average",
                            "Namespace": "acs_rds_dashboard",
                            "Threshold": "5"
                "Product": "rds"
                "AlertInitConfigList": {
                    "AlertInitConfig": [
                            "MetricName": "DocSizeRatiobyApp",
                            "EvaluationCount": "1",
                            "Period": "10m",
                            "Statistics": "Maximum",
                            "Namespace": "acs_opensearch",
                            "Threshold": "85"
                            "MetricName": "lossqpsbyapp",
                            "EvaluationCount": "1",
                            "Period": "10m",
                            "Statistics": "Maximum",
                            "Namespace": "acs_opensearch",
                            "Threshold": "0"
                            "MetricName": "ComputeResourceRatiobyApp",
                            "EvaluationCount": "1",
                            "Period": "10m",
                            "Statistics": "Maximum",
                            "Namespace": "acs_opensearch",
                            "Threshold": "85"
                            "MetricName": "app_realtime_write_latency",
                            "EvaluationCount": "1",
                            "Period": "20m",
                            "Statistics": "Maximum",
                            "Namespace": "acs_opensearch",
                            "Threshold": "1800000"
                "Product": "opensearch"
    "Datapoints": "rds,redis_standard",
    "Code": 200,
    "Success": true

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.